Go Home 2024, You’re Drunk!

Does a new year that starts rough mean that it will eventually get better so it ends as the best year of your life? God, I hope so because thus far 2024 has not been a banner year.

Since January 1 I’ve taken a couple good falls. Nothing serious but just stupid missteps that landed me on the floor. The last one was a misstep I took while trying not to step on my cat who is determined to kill me one of these days. Nothing broken but my aging body has felt like it survived a ride in a trash compactor for the last two months. Not enough Advil in the world…

Relationships have been weird so far too. People coming and going, in and out of my life, at rapid pace. Some, at work, have left so quickly it was as if I never even met them in the first place.

Let’s talk about weather. I know, I know…it’s Wisconsin! I should be used to it. But c’mon, we cheeseheads are a hearty bunch until we have all four seasons in a 12 hours period. I’m not even exaggerating! First it was nearly 70 degrees, then it dropped 50 degrees in one day, causing a massive storm and freaking tornado watch! Then, just when we thought Mother Nature did enough, she says,”Hold my beer!” and it starts sleeting and snowing all over again. Next days I’m scraping ice off my windshield so I can get to work but by afternoon it was in the 50’s again. You know what that means? It means…

Bring On the Migraine!!

Yay, that was fun. Woke up that morning at 4am with my head in a vice. Managed to get dressed and go power through my work day without dying…or killing anyone. Only threw up twice! Of course, the outing I was looking forward to with my girls was a bust. I spent the evening in a darkened room waiting out the pain.

So, let me recap:

Fell twice.

Hurt like hell all over.

Cat is trying to kill me.

Climate change is real.


Go home 2024. You’re drunk!

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